Workers' Substitute Fund Association

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The Arbeiter-Ersatzkassen-Verband e. V. ( AEV ) was a voluntary association of workers' substitute funds based in Siegburg .


The main tasks of the association were a.

  • the representation of the interests of the member funds in public and before the legislature
  • Conducting negotiations with service providers ( doctors , pharmacies , etc.) in the field of statutory health insurance and
  • advising the affiliated health insurances regarding the performance of their duties.

The AEV acted as one of the central associations of the health insurance companies within the meaning of the fifth book of the social code .


The Association Day of the Federation of Workers' Associations, which takes place from 5. – 7. September 1868, which took place in Nuremberg under the chairmanship of August Bebel , dealt very thoroughly with the health benefit funds. In his resolution, among other things, called for “good organization of the health insurance fund, full self-administration, unification of the same according to trades in associations and discussion of the health insurance interests in a suitable body." So united z. B. on March 1, 1874 14 local associations for the sick support federation of the trade union of tailors , the central sickness fund of the German shipbuilders, the central, sickness and death fund of the carpenters , etc. A cash association was not founded at first.

In the minutes of the general assembly from 1887, the congress of independent relief funds is mentioned, which took place in Gera in autumn 1886. This institution is mentioned several times later. However, further details are not reported because the congress minutes were made available to the delegates for inspection.

In 1892 the Association of Independent Health Insurance Companies was founded. The association statute is printed in the minutes of the general assembly in Göttingen (July 18-23, 1892). The first general assembly of the association was on December 15, 1893 in Hamburg. However, the Association of Independent Health Insurance Funds only received its own organ for “discussing health insurance interests” in 1928.


At the beginning of 1939, the Association of Independent Health Insurance Companies e. V. changed its name. According to the decision of the local court on February 7, 1939, the new name Verband der Arbeiter-Ersatzkassen e. V. registered in the register of associations. Long-time chairman (from 1921 to 1938 - then member of the advisory board) was Karl Settmacher, a trained ship carpenter.

In addition to the large association of independent health insurance companies, there were also some smaller associations of independent health insurance companies (e.g. Association of Ziegler Health Insurance Funds in Detmold). At the Aid Fund Congress on April 29, 1911 in the Berlin Trade Union House, 196 funds with 945,206 members were represented by 231 delegates. In 1930 the association had 23 substitute funds with “well over 600,000 members”.

Since 1957, the management of the association has been the responsibility of the executive board of the Association of Employee Health Insurance Funds (VdAK), whereby the AEV did not lose its legal independence.

With the departure of the KEH Ersatzkasse on December 31, 2007, the AEV has been in liquidation since a registered association must consist of at least three members.

The two remaining health insurances, Gmünder Ersatzkasse and HZK , merged on July 1st, 2008. The board of directors of the two health insurances had decided on March 6th, 2008 in Bremen.

On December 31, 2008, the AEV dissolved. The last member, the GEK, became a member of the Association of Substitute Funds (vdek), the renamed VdAK , on January 1, 2009 .

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Individual evidence

  1. August Bebel : From my life . Stuttgart 1910, p. 207.
  2. The previous history was researched by Karl Betz, managing director of the Braunschweig cash office from 1953 to 1981.
  3. ^ Researched by Karl Betz, managing director of the Braunschweig cash office from 1953 to 1981.