Working group on rural agriculture

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Working Group on Rural Agriculture
legal form registered association
Seat Hamm
founding 1980
Young AbL (jAbL) car at the demo We're sick of it!

In the working group for peasant agriculture e. V. (AbL) are mostly small and medium-sized farms in rural agriculture , but also consumers. The AbL states that the main goal is to “raise awareness of the social issue in agriculture in order to avoid that one-sidedly economically or ecologically based points of view ignore the people involved and thus the social impacts remain unconsidered. A second focus of the AbL's work is to initiate and advise projects in the field of quality production and regional marketing of agricultural products. "

The AbL sees itself as an opposition to the German Farmers' Association as a unified association of agricultural interest groups; the AbL sees the farmers' association as too one-sided representation of the interests of large agricultural enterprises and the agricultural industry . It publishes the magazine Independent Farmer's Voice every month, and since 1993 the anthology Der Kritische Agrarbericht (Critical Agricultural Report) also published annually by ABL-Verlag . The founding of the Agricultural Alliance goes back to her initiative .

The chairmen were Maria Heubuch and Bernd Voss , followed by Martin Schulz from Wendland. The office is located in Hamm (Westphalia) .

The AbL is a member of the international movement La Via Campesina and the campaign We are fed up with it! .

Web links

Individual evidence
