Working Group Third World Bern

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The Working Group Third World Bern ( AG3W ) was a Swiss think tank .

The AG3W came into being in September 1969 when an evangelical working group with theology students came together. Until 1973, AG3W carried out gift waiver campaigns in favor of the Third World . In addition to lobbying, the AG3W mainly carried out information and public relations work on conditions in the Third World. Rudolf Strahm was considered to be her "theoretical head".

The AG3W archive is located in the Swiss Social Archives , where it was edited by Urs Kälin . It includes files from the Nestlé Trial (1974–1976), the Mirow Trial (1977–) and the Compañia Italo Argentina de Electricidad (1979–) case.


  • Working Group Third World: Export Interests Against Breast Milk: The Deadly Progress Through Baby Food . Rowohlt, Reinbek near Hamburg 1976, ISBN 3-499-14065-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Inventory: Working Group Third World Bern in the finding aids of the Swiss Social Archives