Working group of German educational institutions

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Working group of German educational institutions
legal form Registered association
Seat Berlin
founding September 8, 1959

place Berlin
Board Ulrich Ballhausen
Nina Pauseback
Martin Kaiser
Boris Brockmeier,
Christine Reich
Karin Pritzel
Albert Fussmann
Birgit Weidemann
Manager Ina Bielenberg
Members 103 members and
175 affiliated organizations (as of 2010)

The " Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten eV - Independent Institutions for Civic Education and Youth Work" (AdB) is a nationwide professional association for civic education . Institutions for extracurricular political youth and adult education with a wide variety of profiles have come together in the AdB. It wants to offer its members a forum for the exchange of professional experience, further training and joint representation of interests in education policy . The AdB sees itself as denominational and politically not unilaterally bound. As an essential part of the infrastructure of child and youth welfare at the federal level, the association is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth . The seat of the association is Berlin , there is also the office.

Objective and purpose

The association would like to directly promote extracurricular education, especially political education as an element of general education. According to the statutes, it serves "the exchange of experience and cooperation between its members in the Federal Republic of Germany ."
As the AdB sees itself as a professional association, it sees its tasks primarily in specialist and advanced training conferences and projects at home and abroad, in development and testing of models and concepts of extracurricular political education and youth welfare, in the organization of specialist commissions and working groups as well as the publication of publications.


In its beginnings, the international work continued with selective participation in international initiatives in the tradition of educational institutions that wanted to make their contribution to reconciliation with the organization of international educational events immediately after the Second World War . Berthold Finkelstein was a member of the board of directors and chairman of the association from 1961 to 1981. With partners in Poland (since 1975), Israel (since 1978) and the Soviet Union / Russia (since 1983), specialist programs were carried out every year. The development of democracy was the subject of short-term projects and temporary cooperation - albeit on very different issues - with France (1976), Great Britain (1976–79), Italy (1981–84), Lithuania (1993–96), Estonia (1992–94 ) and Bulgaria (1993).

After the collapse of the bloc systems and the associated political, social and economic upheavals, the cooperation with partners in Central and Eastern Europe, especially in Russia (with the Moscow humanities- social university and the “Movement of Women of Russia”), Mongolia (with the NGO “Sunrise” and the city of UlaanBaatar) and the Palestinian autonomies (Jerusalem Center for Women and Institute for Peace and Democracy). The annual specialist programs with Israel - for many years with the Rutenberg Institute for Youth Education in Haifa , since 1994 with Givat Haviva, the central educational institution of the kibbutz movement - deal with the challenges of democratic development in both countries. At the beginning of the cooperation with the Spanish Adult Education Association (FEUP) (since 1984) there was an attempt to support the young Spanish democracy through participatory approaches in educational work.

In 2002, on the initiative of the AdB, the European educational network for democracy and human rights "DARE", based in Belgium, was founded with the aim of offering a platform for partnerships, cooperation and strategy development. “DARE - Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe” has joined 36 organizations in 26 countries. A six-member board chaired by Hannelore Chiout, AdB, coordinates the activities. The network was funded by the European Commission as a Grundtvig 4 project and includes NGOs , educational, research and other organizations that see their primary task in education on human rights and democratic citizenship. Permanent working groups advise on educational, political and operational issues, seminars and conferences take place annually, and a "newsletter" is published regularly.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of the public list of the registration of associations and their representatives. from May 3, 2010. In: Federal Ministry of Justice (Ed.): Bundesanzeiger. Number 77a, volume 62, issued on May 26, 2010, ISSN  0720-6100 (Association 119, PDF ( memento of December 29, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), 4.6 MB).
  2. a b c d statutes of the working group of German educational institutions e. V. ( Memento of July 21, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 96 kB). Version dated November 30, 2005. Website of the Working Group of German Educational Institutions. Retrieved April 7, 2011. Preamble on p. 3
  3. ^ Berthold Finkelstein, the founder and first director of the Gustav Stresemann Institute, accessed on May 8, 2018
  4. ^ Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten eV - Independent institutions for political education and youth work ( Memento from December 16, 2013 in the Internet Archive )