Archaeological data export standard

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ADeX logo and basic structure

The archaeological data export standard ( proper spelling Archäologischer DateneXport , abbreviated ADeX ) is a data exchange format developed by a commission at the state archaeologists , with the help of which essential attributes of archaeological sites (e.g. localization, dating, addressing of findings, etc.) between institutions of archaeological monument preservation as well as People and institutions involved in archaeological research (students, research institutes, museums, etc.) can be exchanged in a standardized manner.


The “Archeology and Information Systems” commission of the Association of State Archaeologists in Germany met in March 2005 for the first time. It serves as a platform for the exchange of information and experiences as well as for the preparation of standards for the use of geographical information systems . A working group within the commission, the modeling group, deals with the technical and content-related requirements for an exchange of geo-referenced archaeological data.

Demarcation and goals

In contrast to the very complex international ontology CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) for exchanging data on cultural heritage , ADeX is a very simple format that is limited to archaeological specialist data with spatial reference. The first ADeX version was based closely on the older international standard ObjectID, but is deliberately kept even simpler. This development is to be embedded in corresponding data infrastructure efforts of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as at the European level ( GDI , INSPIRE ). The standard has been registered with INSPIRE . The word / figurative mark ADeX is protected by trademark law.

Area types

The exchange of data is (currently) limited to archeological areas , i. H. delimited areas in the site where at least one archaeologically qualified or relevant result is / has been or is suspected. In the future, the format is to be expanded so that protective areas and examination areas can also be exchanged. The protected area is an area that is placed under protection under the respective state law or for which an application for protection has been made, but it may not have been (fully) processed. In addition, the modeling group has defined investigation areas, such an area encloses the area that has been archaeologically observed.


The ADeX versions 1.1 and 1.2 have been published so far. Version 1.2 offers additional fields compared to 1.1, revised lists of terms, new country codes and a summarized and revised documentation. In versions 1.x, areas are only represented by a central point or the circumscribing rectangle. This means that the format in version 1.x is only suitable for overview mapping.

The exchange format is to be expanded step by step. For version 2 is planned u. a. the exchange of precise delimitations of the areas in the formats customary in geographic information systems ( ESRI shape ; MapInfo Interchange Format (MIF / MID) ). In addition, an extension is to be created for the exchange of protective areas in the future. In addition, the binding lists of terms that define the terms for dating and the addressing of findings from archaeological sites are to be structured more finely.

File format and fields

In version 1, the ADeX data is exchanged in CSV format . The data table contains the archaeological specialist data, an optional term table explains the terms and provides additional information on the field entries in the data table. The field names are kept short so that they are not cut off when imported into the shape format. The data fields of the data table are divided into three modules:

General information module

The "General information" module includes general information such as the monument name and legal information.

  • A unique description of the current data record is expected in the ADEX_ID field; this is made up of a country code and the unique identifier for the data provider.
  • In the BEZEICHNG field, a short textual description of the location can be saved, e.g. B. Motte Husterknupp, Haus Meer.
  • In the first ADeX version, the FLAECH_ART field contains the text "archeology area", in later versions the terms "protection area" or "examination area" may be used.
  • The ERFASS_DAT and AENDER_DAT fields save the entry date or the date of the last change to the data record.
  • In the ANSPRECHP field, the contact person for scientific questions about the current data record can be named.
  • In addition, the DAT_QUELLE field can be used to specify the data supplier's database from which the current data record originates. B. important if a separate database is kept for aerial photography findings.
  • Special restrictions on the rights for the current data record can be specified in the RIGHT field.
  • The copyright holder should be entered in the COPYRIGHT field.
  • The ADDITIONAL field was created for information that cannot be accommodated in any of the other data fields.

Georeference building block

The second module contains data on the position and extent of the area.

  • The KOO_REFSYS field contains the EPSG code that uniquely identifies the projection
  • The coordinate fields X_KOORD, Y_KOORD, X_VON, Y_VON, X_BIS, Y_BIS describe the center of the occurrence (X_KOORD, Y_KOORD) and optionally the circumscribing rectangle (X_VON, Y_VON, X_BIS, Y_BIS) of the occurrence.
  • In the PRECISE field, the accuracy of the coordinate information is expected in meters (in the sense of a mean error).
  • Textual information on the accuracy is possible in the GENAUIGK_T field.
  • The unique identification number of the municipalities in Germany should be saved in the GDE_KENN field.
  • The GDE_NAME field stores the name of the municipality.

Block type / time

In the third component, information on the dating and addressing of the site is recorded. Three fields are provided for the report (type) and the date (time).

  • In the first field (TYP_GROB or DAT_GROB) an entry from a nationwide uniform rough list of terms is expected (e.g. TYP_GROB: settlement, DAT_GROB: Roman Empire). Entering a term is mandatory.
  • The second field (TYP_FEIN or DAT_FEIN) allows you to specify more precise terms from the thesaurus used by the data provider (e.g. TYP_FEIN: Vicus, DAT_FEIN: Roman, 1st – 3rd century).
  • In the third field (TYP_ERLAEU or DAT_ERLAEU) additional textual information on the addressing of the findings and the date can be recorded, e.g. B. References to dating.

ADeX in action

Data providers have the option of testing an ADeX file they have created using a PC program to determine whether the standard has been complied with. Instructions have been developed for data clients that describe the import of ADeX data into Excel , MapInfo , gvSIG and ESRI software .


  • Herzog, Irmela: ADeX - unlimited exchange of archaeological specialist data. Archeology in Germany 2011, January – February, p. 38.
  • Himmelmann, Ulrich: The data exchange model ADeX (Vers. 1.1) of the Association of State Archaeologists in the Federal Republic of Germany . Archeology and Computer 2007. Workshop 12, Vienna 2008, PDF file on CD (6 pages), ISBN 978-3-85161-002-4 .
  • Himmelmann, Ulrich, Wilbertz, Mathias: First results: cross-border castles . Archeology and Computer 2007. Workshop 12, Vienna 2008, PDF file on CD (7 pages), ISBN 978-3-85161-002-4 .
  • Wilbertz, Mathias: Development of the basics for the data exchange . Archeology and Computer 2007. Workshop 12, Vienna 2008, PDF file on CD (4 pages), ISBN 978-3-85161-002-4 .

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