Archaeological Path Dresden

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The Archaeo-Path Dresden in the south of Dresden is an eleven km long cultural and historical circular hiking trail on the Geberbach, established in 2020 and inaugurated on May 16, 2020 . Eleven stations with more than two meters high information boards along the Geberbach show archaeological, historical and natural history evidence from the Neolithic to the first years of industrialization . In addition, a separate web presence at is currently (May 2020) planned.

Info-stele of the Archaeo-Path Dresden at the Palitzsch Museum

The full name of this educational trail is Archaeo-Path Dresden - cultural-historical circular hiking trail on the Geberbach . It leads through the districts of Prohlis , Nickern and Kauscha . Its highlights include the four circular moats in Nickern , two graves presumably assigned to the Lombards from the Migration Period and the Trutzsch . The starting point of the circular hiking trail is the Palitzschhof in Prohlis with its Palitzsch Museum . The eleven stations are marked and explained by information steles from the State Office for Archeology in Saxony . There are also several geocaching points along the way .


The educational trail through this varied urban space is based on an idea by Nickern local historian Steffen Bösnecker, which he developed using the archaeological excavation reports from 1994 and 2004. Triggered by the initiative of a group led by Bösnecker and the Free Citizens' Alliance, as well as the following unanimous city council resolution on May 15, 2014, an amateur sketch with the working title "Via Neolithica Dresdensis" resulted in the scientifically based "Archaeo-Path Dresden". For the implementation of the idea, including the design of the information steles, the project funding of the Prohlis city ​​district advisory board provided 30,000 euros in funding.

The district office Prohlis was in charge within the city . Since the end of 2019, the State Office for Archeology of Saxony, the Palitzsch Museum, the Office for Culture and Monument Protection of the City of Dresden, the Archaeological Society in Saxony have been working on the implementation of the “Archaeo-Path Dresden” project . V. and the Heimatverein Prohlis e. V. with.


The locations of Nickern and Prohlis are among the most important archaeological find landscapes in Dresden today. Prehistoric and protohistoric sites from almost every era exist here. Several Neolithic circular moats are outstanding and therefore indispensable.

The nature trail documents the cultural and historical development of the area between Prohlis and Nickern with texts and pictures about the local, natural and cultural historical finds as well as the evidence of industrial history. The steles provide information about the archaeological objects excavated at these places in Prohlis, Kauscha and Nickern and about the events there and about the remaining evidence of industrial history, for example about the village of Prohlis, the Lombards , the brick industry, the four circular moats, the Early Bronze Age or about the Trutzsch. Each stele stands on its own in terms of both topography and content. A timeline under the heading of each column provides quick chronological orientation.

In-depth insights into the archeology and history of this region is offered by the accompanying publication on the cultural area of ​​Dresden South by the State Office for Archeology of Saxony (LfA), Nickern and Prohlis - Archeology and History at the Geberbach in Dresden . This information was published as issue 13 of the Archaeonaut series of publications by the State Office.


The nature trail has the following stations (selection):

  • Palitzschhof , Gamigstraße 24, topic: The village of Prohlis.
  • End of Hauboldstrasse / corner of Langobardenstrasse, topic: Longobards in Nickern?
  • Altnickern bus stop, topic: Neolithic settlement and burial ground.
  • Fritz-Meinhardt-Straße / Tschirnhausstraße underpass, topic: Circular moat systems
  • Trutzsch vantage point, topic: Bronze and Iron Age sites around the Trutzsch.


  • Richard Funke, Margit Georgi, Bettina Heger, Florian Innerhofer, Anja Kaltofen, Peter Neukirch, Thomas Westphalen: Nickern and Prohlis - Archeology and History at the Geberbach in Dresden (= Archaeonaut , Issue 13), Dresden 2020, ISBN 978-3-943770- 51-3
  • State capital Dresden: Orientation plan in folding plan format ( PDF; 2 MB )

Web links


  1. ↑ A look back to the Stone Age - Dresden inaugurates cultural and historical circular hiking trail , DNN from May 15, 2020.
  2. See the article Trutzsch in Stadtwiki Dresden.
  3. Bündnis Freie Bürger @, accessed May 28, 2020
  4. Via Neolithica Dresdensis (Der Weg der Neolithhen in Dresden) @, accessed on July 16, 2014, again on May 24, 2020
  5. ^ City of Dresden, press release: News from February 25, 2020. Eleven steles set up on the circular hiking trail on the Geberbach. , accessed on May 16, 2020.
  6. Cf. the article Gamigstrasse in Stadtwiki Dresden.
  7. See the article on Hauboldstrasse in Stadtwiki Dresden.
  8. See the article Langobardenstrasse in the Dresden City Wiki.