Archaeological Survey of India

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The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) in New Delhi is a department of the Indian Ministry of Culture that is responsible for archaeological research and preservation of India's cultural heritage . The ASI is the successor to the Asiatic Society , which was founded in 1784 by the British archaeologist Williams Jones . In 1788 the journal The Asiatic Researches was published for the first time. In 1814 the first museum was founded in Bengal . The ASI in its current form was founded in 1861 during the British colonial administration by Alexander Cunningham in collaboration with Viceroy Canning . At that time, Afghanistan was still in their area of ​​responsibility.

After the Indian declaration of independence , the ASI was incorporated into government work under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites And Remains Act 1958 . Under the Antiquity and Art Treasure Act 1972 , 3636 sites of national importance are currently looked after by the ASI. Since the division of the Indian subcontinent with the withdrawal of the British in 1947, the ASI has primarily had to face political problems. For example, many archaeological sites of the Indus culture can only be explored to a limited extent or not at all.


  • 1922: Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni: Guide to the Buddhist Ruins of Sarnath with a Plan of Excavations and Five Photographic Plates .
    • reprint: Antiquarian Book House, Delhi / Varanasi 1982–83.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1958 (ACT No. 24 of 1958) pdf.
  2. ^ The Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, 1972 (Act No. 52 of 1972) pdf.

Web links

Commons : Archaeological Survey of India  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files