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Studio XLGames
Publisher Gamigo
Korea SouthSouth KoreaJanuary 15, 2013 September 16, 2014 September 16, 2014
European UnionEuropean Union
United StatesUnited States
platform Microsoft Windows
Game engine CryEngine
genre MMORPG
Game mode Multiplayer
medium digital distribution
Age rating
USK released from 12
PEGI recommended for ages 16+

ArcheAge is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that was developed by Korean developer Jake Song (formerly the developer of Lineage ) and his development company XL Games . The game was released on January 15, 2013 in Korea, and on September 16, 2014 in Europe and North America . ArcheAge is referred to as a "Sandpark" MMORPG , which the developers claim is a mixture of the open content of a "Sandbox" game and the more structured gaming experience of a "Themepark" game.

On October 15, 2019, ArcheAge was expanded to include a b2p version (without p2w content) called Archeage: unchained , both versions are now being run in Europe by the German game publisher Gamigo. In the preview video for the Garden of the Gods DLC in June 2020 , the developers published the new global player numbers of 25,000,000 active players for the first time.


ArcheAge's first development started in 2011 and the game was completed after two years. Before its final release on January 15, 2013 in Korea, the game went through five closed and one open beta tests . In 2012, a representative from the XL Games studio announced that ArcheAge was expected to be released in North America in late 2013 or early 2014. In 2014, a newly hired CM determined that the game would move to beta and launch for North America and Europe in 2014. Further announcements point to the start of the beta phase on July 17, 2014. On April 24, 2014, Trion started offering Founder's Packs for early alpha and beta access.

Game updates

On April 28, 2015 Trion released an extensive patch (version 1.7) called The Dread Prophecies . The new content patch includes new zones, ship adjustments and modifications for more realistic naval combat.

On September 12th and 13th, Trion released the next content update patch (version 2.0) called Heroes Awaken . The new content includes a new hero system in which players choose each other once a month to represent their faction.

On June 11th, 2020 both game versions were expanded with the DLC "Garden of the Gods".


ArcheAge offers a completely cohesive zoneless world with an ego or third person perspective.

Combat system

In addition to the traditional battle scenes, ArcheAge features free world sea battles in which players must secure trade routes or fight on land and sea. Ships can be equipped with various weapons, sails, anchors, telescopes, among other things; they can also be upgraded several times. There can be battles between players themselves or against sea monsters.

Player versus Player (PvP)

Many of the game zones regularly allow open world PvP . Players can freely attack other players who are members of the other factions (east, west, pirate or player nations). Attacking one's own faction is possible if a player chooses the "Bloodlust" mode. The player who plays and attacks in this way generates criminal footprints that can be reported and can therefore capture prison times. If such a player has accumulated a certain number of criminal points and dies by another player, that player comes before a court, which five random players attend and decide on the verdict in a court case. Several regular world events also promote Open World PvP, such as the Halcyona War and the Abyssal Assault.


The housing system allows players to construct various buildings and types of buildings in designated, non-instantiated zones around the world using a free placement method. In these buildings, players can decorate their indoor and outdoor areas with both cosmetic and functional furniture. Housing options range from small one-story buildings to large three-story mansions and mansions, the size of which directly affects the space required to establish their foundations. Players will have to pay weekly taxes on the land they place their houses on or they risk being destroyed and losing some or all of the property in it. Most houses have a small area around them that serves as a place for farming. There are also farms of various sizes that serve the land for agricultural play. The selection of buildings themselves has already been expanded several times through free extensions. Most buildings can be upgraded through construction measures, sometimes several times.

By cleaning an Archeum crystal on the northern continent of Auroria , player guilds can claim land on which to build castles . These castles grant control of the surrounding area with taxes that have to be paid on the property. The main focus of a castle is on defending the Archeum Crystal during sieges. Should the Archeum crystal be overhauled, the attacking guild acquires the crystal and the surrounding castle.

Land ownership is restricted to those with subscription status. While the easiest way to gain subscription status is to pay the subscription fee to Trion, free players can use gold to purchase “Apex,” a type of coin sold by Trion for $ 10 to paying players, but within the Game can be traded freely. Apex allows players to purchase a subscription that allows free players to purchase land without paying Trion directly.


In addition to the housing system, a variety of plants and animals are available to the player to raise them. Only the owner of a farm or whoever has been given owner approval can access and manage the farm's contents. Players can also choose to plant their crops / trees / livestock in the open world, but run the risk of other players stealing the contents for which the violating player will earn crime points and possibly face trial. The materials that were produced in agriculture can be completely integrated into the occupation system of Archeage . So every professional branch is linked to be able to manufacture products of different qualities.

Each plant or animal has a set period of time to mature and become harvestable, with accelerated growth in appropriate climates . Typically, after maturation, these plants and animals can be kept for sustainable yields or picked / slaughtered / shredded to clear the space and collect raw materials. The maintenance includes the feeding and occasional medication of animals, the watering of the plant life and the gathering of trees, whereby this does not happen in time, which leads to the withering and death of all plants or animals. Some animals are able to mate and produce offspring that can potentially be raised as mounts or battle pets, although the likelihood that this will happen is extremely rare. Players can choose to uproot plants or unnecessarily slaughter animals before they are fully mature. Otherwise, the plant or animal will be removed and there is a chance you will get a small return on investment, although it usually results in a loss of the original item.

As with housing, farms incur taxes in order to maintain ownership of the land on which they are placed. Taxes rise exponentially with every additional property owned. If these taxes are not paid, the scarecrow / farms will become vulnerable so players can destroy them and claim the conspiracy for themselves.

Mounts and Pets

ArcheAge has a pet system where pets are bought or captured as babies and trained to become mounts or companions in battle. Pets / mounts record the distance traveled or experience gained in combat. They can be killed in battle, resuscitated, and suffer from a resuscitation disease that can be cured in a stable. These have equipment slots like the pawns and can become stronger as a result. The equipment itself can also be upgraded to achieve better properties and values. You can let the pets and mounts actively participate in the fight and have appropriate attack and defense options ("skills") that vary depending on the mount or pet.

Criminal justice

ArcheAge includes a court system with player courts. Players can choose to respond to the jury and judge players who have committed theft or murder. There are minimum and maximum rates that are determined by a vote among the jurors. The system is a basic game mechanic and is not intended to combat deliberate "grieving" by players. Criminal gamblers are incarcerated and can reduce their guilt by working in jail or trying to escape through excavation. Players can escape from prison, but they cannot use any skills while they are in prison. Five random players are invited as a jury for the court verdict. You can accept or decline this invitation, and the system will automatically use a substitute player.

Races and classes

In ArcheAge there are two warring factions that are split between two continents, the Nuia continent - and the Haranya continent . Later in the game, the player can also choose the pirate faction or, if necessary, create his own player nation.

The playable races can be selected depending on the faction.

Nuia: Nuian, elves, dwarves

Haranya: Firran, Harani, war-born

The choice of classes is completely free and independent of the people or faction selection. At the start of the game you can choose a talent tree and get two more depending on your character level. From level 15, the character has three talent trees to choose from, which he can choose from over 11 class sets. In total, each player has over 130 class options to choose from at any time, which can be changed at any time, which is unique in the MMORPG game world. The player does not necessarily have to decide on a style of play, but has the opportunity to adapt his style of play throughout the course of the game. The rigid distribution of healer, supporter, tank and damage distributor was broken for the first time during character creation.

Individual evidence

  1. ArcheAge. In: GameStar. Retrieved April 20, 2019 .
  2. ArcheAge - Update 2.0 "Hero's Awakening" released. In: GameStar. September 14, 2015, accessed April 20, 2019 .