Archias (governor)

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Archias ( Greek  Ἀρχίας ) was a governor on Cyprus of the Hellenistic Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt .

Archias was probably identical with the person of the same name, who lived in 164 BC. BC King Ptolemy VI. accompanied to Rome . Probably the following year he was appointed governor (strategos) in Cyprus, which had previously been occupied by the Seleucids , but had reverted to the Ptolemies after the death of Antiochus IV . Probably around the year 158/157 BC Archias offered the Seleucid Demetrios I to buy the island for 500 talents. However, Ptolemy VI covered. this betrayal before which Archias hanged himself.



  1. Diodor : Bibliotheca historica. 31, 18, 1 ( English translation ).
  2. Polybios : Historíai. 33, 5 ( English translation ).