Archive for agricultural history of the Holstein Elbmarschen

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Archive for agricultural history of the Holstein Elbmarschen

Area of ​​Expertise Agricultural history
language German
publishing company Lorenzen-Schmidt (Germany)
First edition 1979
attitude 1989
Frequency of publication bi-monthly

The archive for agricultural history of the Holstein Elbmarschen was a journal for the agricultural history of the Holstein Elbmarschen . In it were source material and analytical published contributions to agricultural history. With her contributions she closes a research desideratum for the Holstein Elbmarschen and makes an important contribution to Schleswig-Holstein's agricultural history.


The journal Archive for Agricultural History was founded in 1979 by Klaus-Joachim Lorenzen-Schmidt ( Krempdorf ). Its aim was to provide source material for agricultural history , in particular the economic and social history of rural society in the Holstein Elbmarschen (Haseldorfer, Seestermüher, Kremper- and Wilstermarsch ) between Wedel and Brunsbüttel and to provide analytical contributions to it. In particular, sources from peasant private archives were accessed. The intention was to publish material for an economic, social and mental history of the Holstein Elbmarschen between 1100 and 2000 to be written. The magazine was published in six issues per year; Since 1982 there has been a series of supplements with monographs (four volumes have appeared). Financing was provided through a subscription system that included around 250 subscribers. In 1983 an association was founded to support the project, chaired by the teacher and farmer Dörte Harms. In 1981 the Archive for Agricultural History showed the very well-received traveling exhibition "Agriculture without Diesel", in which photographs from agriculture and rural society in the period before the diesel-powered tractors (1880-1930) were shown and explained. The exhibition was linked to a series of lectures. The project of the Archive for Agricultural History had to be discontinued in 1989 with the completion of the 11th year because the main processor was no longer able to do the necessary work on site in addition to his professional activity as an archivist at the Hamburg State Archive .


Klaus-J. Lorenzen-Schmidt, complete table of contents of the archive for agricultural history of the Holstein Elbmarschen for the years 1/79 - 8/1986, Krempe 1986.