Archival journal

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The Archivalische Zeitschrift (AZ) is a specialist journal for archives . It was first published in 1876, making it the oldest specialist journal in the German language archives today and one of the oldest specialist periodicals worldwide.

The AZ appears in annual volumes. First, they gave the Royal Bavarian General State Archives ( Munich ) out, since 1921 the Bavarian State Archives and since 1972 the General Directorate of State Archives of Bavaria .

The AZ is dedicated to German and international archives and, with reference to archival materials, also to source studies and historical auxiliary sciences . The following topics are essentially covered:

In addition to articles, the journal also offers references to other articles on the subject of "archive" in other specialist journals.

The journal is now also accessible online from volume 1 via a DFG national license, with the exception of the most recently published volume.

Web links

Wikisource: Archival Journal  - Sources and Full Texts