Areus II.

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Areus II. (* 262 BC ; † 254 BC ), the son of Akrotatos and the Chilonis , was from 262 to 254 BC. King of Sparta from the house of the Agiads .

When his father fell in the battle with Aristodemus of Megalopolis , Areus was not yet born. After his birth he became king and Leonidas , son of Cleonymus , became his guardian. Areus died of an illness at the age of eight and the last remaining relative, Leonidas, became his successor.


Individual evidence

  1. Plutarch , Agis , 3.
  2. ^ Pausanias , Travels in Greece , 3, 6, 6.
predecessor Office successor
Akrotatos King of Sparta
262–254 BC Chr.
Leonidas II