Ariarathes III.

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Silver coin of Ariarathes III ( Cabinet des Médailles , Paris)

Ariarathes III. († around 220 BC) was the first ruler of Cappadocia to assume the title of king ( basileus ).

Ariarathes III. was around 255 BC. Co-regent of his father Ariaramna II , who probably succeeded in shaking off the Seleucid suzerainty. Ariarathes III. married Stratonike, the daughter of the Seleucid king Antiochus II , and called herself since about 250 BC. BC king. After the death of his father around 225 BC. He assumed sole rule in Cappadocia.

In the internal Seleucid disputes over the throne, Ariarathes allied himself with Antiochus Hierax , who, however, could not prevail against his brother Seleukos II . Nevertheless, Ariarathes' rule is considered successful; According to Diodorus , he is said to have won catonies on the Antitaurus for Cappadocia. He was succeeded as king of Cappadocia by his son Ariarathes IV. Eusebes
