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shower arietids
Arietid radians on June 7, 2000
Beginning May 14th
maximum June 7th
The End June 24th
Radian position
RA 2h 56m
DE + 24 °
ZHR 30th
Population index 2.8
38 km / s

The Arietids are a meteor shower that is active from May 14th to June 24th and reaches its maximum on June 7th. Since the arietids in Central Europe can only be found above the horizon during the day , they cannot be observed there with the naked eye. They can only be registered with the help of radio waves .

When meteors enter the atmosphere , they leave short-lived ionized traces that reflect certain radio waves well. When using suitable radio sources , the signals reflected by the ionization tracks can be registered with the aid of detectors .

Individual evidence

  1. IMO Meteor Shower Calendar 2020 , accessed April 16, 2020