Poverty network

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The Armutsnetzwerk eV (ANW) is a non-profit association an association of people who have experienced poverty, initiatives, organizations and people who have dedicated themselves to the fight against poverty and exclusion . The network was founded in Sulingen (Lower Saxony) at the beginning of 2011 . However, the association was only founded in 2012. The network is active in the Federal Republic of Germany and across Europe. The poverty network is a member of the National Poverty Conference (nak). The poverty network has been a cooperation partner of the homeless meeting project since 2015 , which aims to improve the participation and self-organization of homeless people and ultimately to help homeless people to represent themselves. The self-advocacy of homeless people emerged from this project in October 2017, still under the name "Self -advocacy of unified homeless people ".


Dietmar Hamann was the chairman of the association from its foundation until 2016. Since 2016, the board has consisted of Michael Stiefel, Norbert Brandt and Werner Franke vom Strassenfeger . One of the founding members is Jürgen Schneider, the initiator of Berber Info , an independent information portal for homeless people in German-speaking countries.


The poverty network is an independent organization. It strives to strengthen the fight against poverty and exclusion in cooperation with other regional, national and international active initiatives and organizations of people with experience of poverty, the homeless and the homeless as well as so-called fringe groups . The poverty network is open to everyone. Especially for people at risk of and affected by poverty and exclusion. Based on their daily experiences, it wants to give them a voice in the public, media public and especially in political decision-making. The poverty network demands the right to a decent life as well as a poverty-proof socio-cultural subsistence level and the principles laid down in the Basic Law and rejects any kind of categorization. The poverty network sees itself as a connecting base-oriented organization of all socially committed forces. The poverty network rejects discrimination against people on the basis of their gender, origin, race, language, homeland and origin, a disability or their belief.

goals and tasks

The poverty network wants to strengthen and promote self-help potential and encourage other groups and people to take action against disenfranchisement and incapacitation themselves, thereby demanding the right to participate in decision-making processes in labor and social policy at all levels. To this end, the dialogue with all social actors, the responsible authorities, institutions, associations and facilities as well as parliaments should be developed. The protection and defense of human rights with reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a principle. The portal of the poverty network guarantees a constant flow of information between those affected, political decision-makers and civil society. It provides information on the political approach to poverty and reports impartially on the reality and existence of existing poverty. The poverty network supports groups and individuals in the fight against poverty and exclusion through its work.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.kreiszeitung.de/lokales/diepholz/armutsnetzwerk-wird-verein-2366216.html
  2. "Woodstock on the Moor". August 1, 2016, accessed August 2, 2016 .
  3. http://www.armutszeugnisse.de/themen/themen_19.htm