National Poverty Conference

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The National Poverty Conference (nak) is an amalgamation of the leading German associations of voluntary welfare with professional associations and self-help organizations active throughout Germany, as well as the German Federation of Trade Unions . The aim is to fight poverty in Germany. The National Poverty Conference was founded in autumn 1991 and is the German section of the European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN, European Poverty Network).

Self-image and activity

The nak sees itself as an association mainly active in the field of political lobbyism and public relations . She works z. B. on the advisory board for the poverty and wealth report of the federal government , has initiated a national awareness campaign ( NAPsens ) on the topic of poverty with other organizations and participates in the campaign ForTeil (Forum Teilhabe). The nak prepares so-called "social policy balances" in specialist conferences on sub-areas of the poverty issue such as child poverty, poverty and health or socio-cultural subsistence level ( Hartz IV ) and disseminates them in press conferences (several times also in the federal press conference ). It also gives statements on current social debates and political projects. At the European level, she participates in social policy events of the European Commission , such as the Social Policy Forum, and through participation in conferences and seminars of the international network EAPN. The cooperation in the nak continues at the state, district and local level. There are already seven state poverty conferences (Saarland, Lower Saxony, Berlin, Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony) and other regional alliances.

At the European level (EAPN), the nak participates in its working groups (Task Forces) against social exclusion (NAPincl.), On structural fund policy, employment policy (deals with the measures contained in the guidelines of the European Union on employment policy) and on the EU enlargements. Eight German delegates will be sent to the general assemblies of the EAPN. A partner organization in German-speaking countries is the Austrian poverty network Die Armutskonferenz .


The National Poverty Conference was founded in autumn 1991.


The leadership of the National Artmutskonferenz consists of the speaker and the managing director. They are provided by one of the member organizations for an electoral term. December 2018 the Arbeiterwohlfahrt takes over. Predecessors were the Diakonie with spokeswoman Barbara Eschen and managing director Anna-Katharina Dietrich (until 2018), the Arbeiterwohlfahrt, and the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband.

Member of the EAPN

The National Poverty Conference is the German section of the European Poverty Network EAPN (European Anti Poverty Network). Currently 31 national networks, as well as grassroots groups and 18 European organizations are united in the EAPN.


The National Poverty Conference is made up of five of the six charities (the Red Cross is missing ), the Federal Youth Council, the German Trade Union Federation and many other associations and organizations:

Leading associations

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband e. V. , German Caritas Association e. V. , Paritätischer Gesamtverband e. V. , Diakonisches Werk der EKD e. V. , Central Welfare Office for Jews in Germany V. , German Federal Youth Council

Professional associations and self-help organizations

Federal Working Group for Homeless Aid , Federal Working Group for Debt Counseling , Poverty Network eV Federal Working Group for Social Urban Development and Community Work , Bundesverband Deutsche Tafel e. V. , Poverty and Health in Germany e. V. , Federal Initiative for Homeless People (BBI eV), AG Debt Advice of Associations, Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg eV


German trade union federation with all unions.

Organizations with guest status

Secretariat of the German Bishops' Conference , Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), the German Institute for Human Rights , as well as the country's Poverty Conference Berlin, national poverty conference Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the Saarland Poverty Conference, the country's Poverty Conference Lower Saxony, Saxon Poverty Conference, the country's Poverty Conference Baden-Wuerttemberg, the Coalition for social protests and the International Federation (IB) .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members of the European Poverty Network EAPN
  2. ^ Member organizations of the National Poverty Conference