Arnt von Aich

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Arnt von Aich , also Arnd von Aich , (* 15th / 16th century in Aachen (?); † between 1528 and 1530) was a printer from Cologne.

Von Aich was the owner of the lupus press in Cologne. Around 1520, according to other sources around 1510, he had published a four-part songbook, the oldest secular song collection in Germany, with 75 anonymous pieces under the title "75 hubscher Lieder myt Discant, Alt, Bas und Tenor". This songbook probably includes the repertoire of the court orchestra of Augsburg Bishop Friedrich II von Zollern († 1505). The songs belong to the environment of Heinrich Isaac , Paul Hofhaimer , Erasmus Lapicida and Matthaeus Pipelare . Around 1526 von Aich withdrew from the print shop. After Aich's death, his son-in-law Laurenz von der Mülen continued to run the printing shop for the widow and his son Johann von Aich († 1553), who was not yet of legal age .

Edition of the songbook

  • The song book of Arndt von Aich: Complete edition , edited by Dieter Eichler and Dieter Klöckner, Stuttgart: Cornetto-Verlag 2011, ISMN: M-50100-979-4.


Individual references and comments

  1. with "Aich" = "from Aachen".
  2. a b c d Riemann Musiklexikon, 1959.
  3. a b c NDB: Aich, Arnt.
  4. ^ Reprint: E. Bernoulli and HJ Moser, 1930.