Johann von Aich

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Johann von Aich (*?; † around 1553 ) was a German book printer . He worked in Cologne from 1530 to 1550 . He was the son of the Cologne printer Arnt von Aich .

Johann von Aich published around 12 prints between 1530 and 1546. Among them was the publication of Eulenspiegel from 1539, "eyn wonderful and strange history vann Dyll Ulnspegel" with woodcuts. "Furthermore, it is known:" Sibillen wyssagungen van much more wonderful tzokunfft ". We know five other German prints with woodcuts and five Latin prints, the last from 1546 from his publisher. "


Individual references and comments

  1. with "Aich" = "from Aachen".
  2. a b c NDB: Aich, Johann von.
  3. a b ADB, Aich, Arnd von. There Johann von Aich too.