
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Arteriolosclerosis is a vascular disease of the arterioles , which is the smallest arteries . It is also called hypertensive microangiopathy because high blood pressure is believed to be the main cause; Another important risk factor is diabetes mellitus . Arteriolosclerosis is of greatest importance in the kidneys , where it can lead to renal insufficiency due to atrophy of the respective nephrons , and in the brain , where microaneurysms and hemorrhages can result.

The disease begins with a hyaline thickening of the innermost vascular layer , which in the further course spreads to the other wall layers and narrows the vessel . The wall layers become more homogeneous and have fewer cells. It is assumed that plasma components "pressed out" by blood pressure are the cause, but proteins synthesized by the endothelium also seem to play a role.


  • Böcker, Denk, Heitz, Moch, Höfler, Kreipe (eds.): Pathology . 5th edition. Urban & Fischer Verlag, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-437-42385-7 , pp. 404 f., 714 f., 209 f .