Arthur William Hope Adkins

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Arthur William Hope Adkins (born October 17, 1929 in Leicester , † February 13, 1996 in Chicago ) was a British classical philologist .

Adkins studied at Merton College , Oxford , among other things as a student of Eric Robertson Dodds . There he was postmaster from 1948 to 1954 , that is, recipient of a scholarship. He obtained his BA in 1952, the MA in 1955 and the D. Phil. 1957. After various positions in Great Britain , Adkins was appointed to the University of Reading in 1966, to the University of Chicago in 1974 and to Edward Olson Professor in Classical Languages ​​& Literatures there in 1977. From 1975 to 1980 he was Chairman of Classical Languages ​​& Literatures in Chicago .

Adkins worked on archaic and classical Greek literature and philosophy. His book Merit and Responsibility on Greek values has become an unavoidable standard work. In this, Adkins defends the basic thesis that agonal virtues and values ​​were in the foreground in Greek culture and virtues of cooperation only became established relatively late.

His estate is administered by the University of Chicago Library.

Fonts (selection)

  • (Eds., With Joan Kalk Lowrence, Craig K. Ihara): Human virtue and human excellence. Peter Lang, New York, San Francisco, Bern, Frankfurt am Main, Paris, London 1991.
  • (Ed., With Peter White): The Greek polis. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London 1986 (University of Chicago readings in western civilization, 1).
  • Poetic craft in the early Greek elegists. University of Chicago Press, 1985.
  • Moral values ​​and political behavior in ancient Greece: from Homer to the end of the fifth century. Chatto and Windus, London 1972.
  • From the many to the one. A study of personality and views of human nature in the context of ancient Greek society, values ​​and beliefs. Constable, London 1970.
  • Merit and Responsibility. A Study in Greek Values. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1960.


  • Michael Boylan, Robert Louden: Arthur William Hope Adkins 1929-1996 , in: Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 69.5, 1996, pp. 119-120, see John Shook: List of Memorial Minutes in the APA Proceedings
  • Robert B. Louden, Paul Schollmeier (Eds.): The Greeks and Us: Essays in Honor of Arthur WH Adkins. University of Chicago Press. 1996, table of contents . - Review by: A. D. M. Walker, in: Ethics Vol. 108, No. 4 (July 1998), pp. 823-825, online ( JSTOR )

Web links

  • Entry on Arthur William Hope Adkins in the Database of Classical Scholars (English)
  • Kenan Heise: Arthur Wh Adkins, U. Of C. Scholar , in: Chicago Tribune, February 16, 1996, online
  • The University of Chicago Chronicle, Feb. 29, 1996, Vol. 15, No. 12: Obituary: Arthur Adkins, Classical Lang. & Lit. , online
  • Oxford University Gazette 1995-96
  • University of Reading: A Short History of Reading's Classics Department , online (with photograph)
  • University of Chicago Library: Guide to the Arthur Adkins Papers 1948–1996 , 2008, online

Individual evidence

  1. [1]