Artillery Lake

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Artillery Lake
Geographical location Northwest Territories (Canada)
Tributaries Lockhart River
Drain Lockhart River
Location close to the shore Reliance
Coordinates 63 ° 9 ′  N , 107 ° 52 ′  W Coordinates: 63 ° 9 ′  N , 107 ° 52 ′  W
Artillery Lake (Northwest Territories)
Artillery Lake
Altitude above sea level 364  m
surface 535 km²
length 75 km
width 9 km
Catchment area 26,600 km²
Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / EVIDENCE LAKE WIDTH Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / EVIDENCE Catchment Area
Map of Artillery Lake

Artillery Lake is a 75 km long lake in the Northwest Territories of Canada . It is traversed by the Lockhart River, which flows 30 km west of its southern end into the McLeod Bay of the Great Slave Lake . Its area is 535 km², the total area with islands 551 km². The catchment area of the lake covers 26,600 km².

Individual evidence

  1. a b Natural Resources Canada - The Atlas of Canada - Lakes ( Memento from January 14, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  2. R-ArcticNet