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Asa'pili is a planned language developed by Hans Widmer under the pseudonym p. m. was invented in his work bolo'bolo . On the one hand, it serves as an artistic language to denote his concepts. On the other hand, he sees it as a possible neutral universal language in the utopian society that he proposes.

Asa'pili consists of a few basic words, each represented by a symbol like this.

symbol pronunciation meaning
Icon for ibu
ibu I, you, he, she, it, man, person, individual, child, woman, man, citizen, someone, nobody
Symbol for bolo
bolo Basic community, neighborhood, village, tribe, community, commune
Symbol for sila
sila Hospitality, guarantee of existence, commitment to help, tolerance, security
Symbol for taku
taku Ownership container, private property, secret
Symbol of kana
kana House community, large household, hunting group, clan, extended family, circle of friends, gang
Symbol for nima
nima Way of life, tradition, culture, religion, philosophy, style, ideology, trip
Symbol for kodu
kodu Agriculture, nature, food self-sufficiency, nutritional basis
Symbol for yalu
yalu Groceries, nourishment, culinary arts, gastronomy
Symbol for sibi
sibi Craft, art, industry, tools, production, creativity, activity
Symbol for pali
pali Energy, fuel supply, heating, cooling, energy cycle
Symbol for sufu
sufu Water, water supply, baths, wells
Símbolo de gano
gano Buildings, apartments, architecture, cells, caves, space
Symbol for pray
pray Medicine, health, healing art, prevention
Symbol for nugo
nugo Suicide pill, death
Pili symbol
pili Understanding, science, magic, language, media, learning and teaching
Symbol for kene
kene Compulsory work, away work, compulsory work, joint venture
Icon for tega
tega District, small town, valley community
Symbol for dala
dala Committee, committee, commission, council, assembly, meeting, statute
Symbol for dudi
dudi Foreign agents, troublemakers, spies, observers
Symbol of fudo
fudo City, district, catchment area, organic region, landscape, valley
Symbol for sumi
sumi Region, area, language area, island, self-sufficiency area
Symbol for asa
asa Earth, humanity
Buni icon
buni Gift, gift
Symbol for mafa
mafa Community warehouse, reserve depot, free department store, vehicle and tool pool, emergency supply
Symbol for feno
feno Exchange agreement, cooperation agreement, delivery agreement, exchange in kind
Symbol for sadi
sadi Market, fair, fair, exchange center, stock exchange
Symbol for fasi
fasi Travel, transportation, traffic, nomadic life, waltzing, vagrancy
Symbol of yaka
yaka Dispute, war, duel, code of struggle, violence

The words are preferably represented by their symbols. A specific alphabet is not necessary. Few sounds were selected for the articulation, which are available in many languages. The debate is free.

Words can be put together, for example:

  • asa'pili means world language.
  • bolo'bolo means set of bolos.

The origin of the words is purely coincidental. However, PM was inspired by the phonetic system of the Polynesian languages . There bolo'bolo meant communism .

Web links

Commons : Asa'pili symbols  - graphics of the glyphs


Individual evidence

  1. According to section 1 of the speech [PM 2004]
  2. a b c d According to the explanations on Asa'pili in the appendix of [PM 1995, pp. 192-193]
  3. The table comes from [PM 1995, pp. 208–209]
  4. According to section 2 of the speech [PM 2004]