Aspasia (medic)

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Aspasia (* 1st century AD) was probably a Greek woman who worked in the field of gynecology and obstetrics . It is not to be confused with Aspasia from Miletus .


No scriptures are available on the life of Aspasia . At the end of the 5th century AD, Aëtios of Amida presented her medical work in his compilation. The 16th book, which summarizes the knowledge of gynecology and obstetrics, contains fourteen chapters by Aspasia, which either come from her work or were described after it.

After Aetius von Amida , Aspasia dealt with the development and application of ointments and plasters , but also performed operations in this context. He also takes up their instructions for midwives on the treatment of a womb kink (retroversio uteri) verbatim.

Aspasia shares in the book on obstetrics and gynecology by Aëtios by Amida

German translation. Berlin 1901 Latin translation. Basel 1535
Chapter 12: Dietetics in Pregnancy (according to Aspasia) (digital copy) Chapter 12: De studio praegnantibus adhibendo ex Aspasia (digitized version )
Chapter 15: Dietetics of irregular childbirth (according to Aspasia) (digitized version) Chapter 15: De studio aegre parientibus impudendo, ex Aspasia (digitized version )
Chapter 18: Abortion drugs (after Aspasia) (digitized version) Chapter 18: Foetum corrumpentia ex Aspasia (digital copy )
Chapter 19: Sign of the abortion (according to Aspasia) (digitized version) Chapter 19: Quae nam signa futuro aborsui praecedant (without reference to Aspasia) (digitized version )
Chapter 25: Follow-up treatment for embryotomy (according to Aspasia) (digital copy) Chapter 25: Curatio post fetus sectionem ex Aspasia (digitized version )
Chapter 50: Suppressio mensium (based on the writings of Rufus and Aspasia) (digitized version) Chapter 52: De menstruorum retentione ex Ruffo & Aspasia (digitized version )
Chapter 66: Treatment of the fluoro albus ... Another remedy of Aspasia (digitized) Chapter 69: Albi fluoris curatio… Aliud Aspasiae… (digitized version )
Chapter 73: Lateroflexio, Retroflexio and Retropositio uteri (after Aspasia) (digital copy ) Chapter 79: De reuocatione, auersione, & recursu uteri ex Aspasia (digitized version )
Chapter 75: Hydrops uteri ( moles ) (after Aspasia) (digitized version)
Chapter 100: Hemorrhoids of the Uterus (based on the writings of Aspasia) (digitized version) Chapter 99: De haemorrhoidibus uteri ex Aspasia (digitized version)
Chapter 103: Hydrocele muliebris (water break) (based on the writings of Aspasia) (digitized version)
Chapter 105: Kirsokele (hernia varicosa, varicose vein hernia) (based on the writings of Aspasia) (digitized version )
Chapter 109: The Condylomata (after Aspasia) (digitized version) Chapter 108: De condylomatibus ex Aspasia (digitized version )
Chapter 111: Pearly indurations on the uterus (according to Aspasia) (digital copy )


  • Renate Strohmeyer: Lexicon of the natural scientists and women of Europe . Verlag Harri Deutsch, ISBN 3-8171-1567-9 , p. 27.
  • Tsoucalas Gregory, Sgantzos Markos: Aspasia and Cleopatra Metrodora, Two Majestic Female Physician - Surgeons in the Early Byzantine Era. In: Journal of Universal Surgery. Volume 4, number 3, 2016, p. 55, doi : 10.21767 / 2254-6758.100055 ( PDF ).

Individual evidence

  1. Max Wegscheider: Obstetrics and gynecology with Aëtios von Amida (book 16 of the collection) . Julius Springer, Berlin et al. 1901 ( digitized version ).
  2. Johannes Baptista Montanus (ed.): Aetius Amidenus : De Re Medici. In: Aetii Amideni Quem Alii Antiochenum Vocant Medici Clarissimi Libri XVI - In Tres Tomos divisi, quorum primus & ultimus Ioanne Baptista Montano Veronensi medico, secu [n] dus Iano Cornario Zviccaviensi ... interpretibus latinitate donati sunt. In quo opere cuncta quae ad curandi artem pertinent congesta sunt, ex omnibus qui usq [ue] ad eius tempora scripserant, diligentissime excerpta. Johann Froben, Basel 1535, Volume 3, here: pp. 116–182: De situ magnitudine ac reliqua uteri formatione. ( Digitized version ).
  3. R. Kossmann. On the history of the grape mole . In: Archive for Gynecology, Vol. 62, Issue I (December 1900).