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without rank: Retaria
without rank: Foraminifera (Foraminifera)
Order : Astrorhizida
Superfamily : Astrorhizacea
Family : Astrorhizidae
Genre : Astrorhizoides
Scientific name
Shchedrina, 1969

Astrorhizoides is a genus of shell-bearing, sea-dwelling unicellular organisms from the group of foraminifera .


The housings are free, the rough surface consists of several layers of coarser particles from the sediment on an organic carrier material and is formed by a thick, irregularly branched tube, the arms of which are slightly flexible. Unlike the Astrorhiza, there is no lens-like middle section. A solid layer of organic origin lines the interior and protrudes from the apertures at the ends of the arms.


Astrorhiza have been found in the northern and southern Atlantic such as the Pacific and the Arctic Ocean.


The genus has long been considered a sub-genus of the Astrorhiza genus and was divided into an independent genus in 1969. Types are:


  • Alfred R. Loeblich, Jr., Helen Tappan: Foraminiferal genera and their classification , E-Book des Geological Survey Of Iran , 2005, Online