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Astrorhiza spp.

Astrorhiza spp.

without rank: Retaria
without rank: Foraminifera (Foraminifera)
Order : Astrorhizida
Superfamily : Astrorhizacea
Family : Astrorhizidae
Genre : Astrorhiza
Scientific name
Sandahl , 1858

Astrorhiza is the eponymous genus of an order of single - celled organisms from the group of foraminifera .


The cases are unusually large and can reach a diameter of up to 15 millimeters. They are lens-like biconvex and have four to fifteen arms at the edge in a coarse jet-shaped arrangement, which taper and branch towards the end and at the end of which there are openings for the pseudopod to exit .

Astrorhiza are agglutinating, their housings are composed of several layers of fine to coarser particles from the sediment. In some species, an organic layer has been observed around the cytoplasm.


Astrorhiza occur all over the world, they have been fossilized since the Middle North Novician .


The genus was first described in 1857 by Oskar Theodor Sandahl . Some types are:


  • Alfred R. Loeblich, Jr., Helen Tappan: Foraminiferal genera and their classification , E-Book des Geological Survey Of Iran , 2005, Online