Attack in Aden on March 4, 2016

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In the attack in Aden on March 4, 2016 , an old people's home in Aden , Yemen , was attacked by Islamists. The house was run by the Roman Catholic Church. 16 people were killed, including four nuns from the Congregation of Mother Teresa Sisters " Missionaries of Charity ".

According to the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia , the "Missionaries of Charity" have been present in Yemen since 1973 and the affected house of the community in Aden was opened in 1992.

The sisters Anselm (59 years old) from India, Judith (41 years old) from Kenya, Marguerite (43 years old) and Reginette (32 years old) from Rwanda were shot in the head. They were previously handcuffed. The same happened to the other helpers working in the old people's home. The home residents, however, were spared by the attackers. The superior of the monastery, Sister Sally, was also able to get to safety.

Pope Francis described the victims of the attack as "today's martyrs".


According to a report by the Indian Express , the attackers managed to gain access to the dormitory around noon on the pretext of “wanting to visit their mothers”. They came armed and dressed in blue uniforms while the sisters prepared the meal.

When they saw the danger, they fled outside. There they were shot.

According to media reports, there is a photo that shows two dead nuns lying on the floor in the courtyard of the monastery, which could indicate the sisters' execution .

All rooms were stormed, and the assassins destroyed the tabernacle , the statues and the crucifix in the chapel.

Father Thomas Uzhunnalil, originally from India, was kidnapped; his fate was long considered unexplained. On September 12, 2017, the Indian Foreign Minister announced that Father Thomas Uzhunnalil had been saved.

More assassinations

In Aden two more terrorist attacks happened in the same year - each with more deaths.

See also: List of terrorist attacks

Individual evidence

  2. There's no question - the Missionaries of Charity in Yemen 'died as martyrs' . In: Catholic News Agency . ( [accessed October 24, 2016]).
  3. Maggie Maslak and Alan Holdren: These are the Missionaries of Charity murdered in Yemen . ( [accessed October 16, 2016]).
  4. World Women's Day: Memory of the Martyrs in Yemen . ( [accessed October 16, 2016]).
  5. ^ Indian now among 16 killed by gunmen in Yemen; victims handcuffed, shot in the head . In: The Indian Express . March 5, 2016 ( [accessed October 24, 2016]).
  6. ^ Church leaders deny reports Catholic priest was crucified by Islamic State on Good Friday , The Washington Times, March 27, 2016.
  7. There is no confirmation that Ms. Tom Uzhunnalil was crucified on Good Friday ,, March 28, 2016 (English).
  8. Kidnapped Priest Tom Uzhunnalil Blindfolded and Beaten by Captors in Yemen Hostage Video ,, July 21, 2016.
  9. Father Tom Uzhunnalil is free , Catholic News Agency German 12 September 2017th