Departure to the stars

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Departure to the stars (alternative title: The earth lets go of us ; original title: Prelude to Space ) is the first science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke . Although already known as a short story writer and magazine article writer, Rising to the Stars marked the beginning of his career as one of the most famous SF novelists.

Clarke wrote this story in just twenty days in 1947 , but it didn't appear in Galaxy Novels magazine until 1951 . It was not published in book form until 1953 by Sidgwick & Jackson in Great Britain . A year later, a US hardcover was published by Gnome Press and a paperback edition by Ballantine Books.

Departure to the Stars tells the story of the launch of the Prometheus , the world's first spaceship. Since the story was written twenty years before the Apollo program landed on the moon , Clarke wrote a new preface in 1976. In it he confessed that he intended to consciously influence the writing of Departure for the Stars . He was already an active member of the space community at a time when many scientists were mocking the idea of ​​evacuating Earth's atmosphere using rockets. Rising to the Stars , in classic Clarke fashion, is a story full of real-life details to show the reader that space travel is not only possible, but within reach.

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