August Pleschner from Eichstett

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August Pleschner von Eichstett (* 1843 in Prague ; † 1908 ) was an Austrian lawyer and writer .


He was the son of the Austrian businessman Eduard Pleschner (1813–1864) in Prague. From 1861 Pleschner studied law at the Karl Ferdinand University in Prague . From 1861 to 1863 he was briefly a member of the Austria Student Union, later the Corps Austria , and then the Corps Rugia Prague. After graduating as Dr. iur. he became a lawyer in Wallachian Meseritsch . He gained particular fame in 1896 when he published a poem version of the Austrian Civil Code .


  • The Austrian Association of Jurists and Lawyers , Prague: Mercy 1879 digitized
  • Holtzendorff the second. Chancellery idyll , Vienna 1893
  • The general civil code for the people brought into graceful rhymes , Vienna: Manz 1896, reprint Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-214-00009-8
  • The Gospel of the Merchant or the Commercial Code brought into graceful rhymes and richly illustrated , Vienna 1904
  • The practical house advocate. An easy-to-understand guide to self-advocacy in civil disputes and to self-constitution of all kinds of complaints (2nd edition of the work founded by BC Steidl), Vienna (without year)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Archive of the University of Prague, Main Catalog of the Law Faculty, 1863, serial no.291
  2. ^ Adolf Siegl: The suspended corps of the Prager SC In: Einst und Jetzt (yearbook of the association for corps student history research), 1974, p. 222 f.
  3. Information on the title page of his book Der Österreichische Juristentag und die Advokatur .