Auguste Jean Baptiste Chevalier

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Auguste Jean Baptiste Chevalier (born June 23, 1873 in Domfront , † June 4, 1956 in Paris ) was a French botanist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is “ A.Chev. "

Among other things, he dealt with the flora of Africa , the taxonomy of useful plants and plant geography.


Chevalier's parents ran a smaller homestead. He attended school in Domfront and then moved to Caen , where he graduated in 1891. The botanist Élie Antoine Octave Lignier commissioned him in 1893 to create a complete catalog of the various herbaria in Caen.

In 1894 Chevalier had to start his military service. After graduating, he began studying at Lille University in 1896 . There he became assistant to the chemist Charles Eugène Bertrand . In 1897 he received a scholarship and was allowed to work in the botany laboratory of Philippe van Tieghem in the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris.

From 1899 to 1900 he took part in an excursion to Sudan and received his doctorate in 1901. As a result, he undertook a series of research trips to Africa, but also visited Asia and South America. He worked as a taxidermist at the École pratique des hautes études , of which he became vice-president in 1907 and director in 1912.

In 1929 he received a professorship at the National Museum, where he held a chair in agricultural sciences. In 1929 he was president of the Société botanique de France and in 1937 became a member of the Académie des sciences . In 1946 Chevalier retired.

On his research trips in Indochina from 1913 to 1919, he gained the first copies of Palmfarns Cycas chevalieri , named in his honor after him. Furthermore, the Lycée in Domfront was named after him.

Works (selection)

  • Chari-Lac Tchad Mission, 1902–1904 . 1907
  • Sudania: Enumeration des plantes récoltées en Afrique tropicale . 1911
  • La foret et les bois du Gobon . 1917
  • Les kolatiers et les noix de kola . 1911 (with Émile Constant Perrot )


  • H. Jacques-Félix: Auguste Chevalier, 1873-1956 . In: Taxon . tape 5 , no. 6 , August 1956, p. 120-125 , JSTOR : 1217671 .
  • Christoph Bonneuil: Auguste Chevalier, savant colonial . In: Les Sciences Coloniales, Figures et Institutions . tape 2 . Paris 1996, p. 15–35 ( [PDF]).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ken Hill: Cycas chevalieri. In: The Cycad Pages. Retrieved February 18, 2010 .