Augustinian monastery Heiligenbeil

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The Augustinian monastery Heiligenbeil was a monastery of the Augustinian hermits in Heiligenbeil in the Order of Prussia (today Mamonowo in the Kaliningrad Oblast) from 1372 to around 1525.


The monastery was located near the monk's gate on the city wall inside (or outside?) The medieval city on the road to Bladiau , which was part of an amber road . Nothing has been preserved above ground from the buildings.


In 1372 the prior and the sub-prior of the Augustinian monastery Rössel founded a new monastery in Heiligenbeil on behalf of the order master Winrich von Kniprode . This happened as the fulfillment of a vow of the Grand Master after the brief conquest and destruction of the Lithuanian castle Kaunas in 1362.

In the decades that followed, the monastery received donations and endowments from grand masters, commons and knights of the order, as well as from citizens. It owned arable land, meadows, had rights to use forests, to fish in the mill pond, and to brew and distill alcohol. The monks were allowed to terminate (beg) in the surrounding areas , a collection point is known in the old town church in Königsberg . The Convention was headed by a Prior, were also mentioned lecturers ( lector ).

In 1520 the buildings were burned down by Polish troops . Some monks probably lived in the remains of the building for some time, but the monastery was dissolved around 1525 during the Reformation. The area was administered by the Bishop of Samland, who gave some parts to citizens. In 1563, Duke Albrecht had the St. Georgen Hospital built on this site, which remained there until 1865.


  • Hugo Eysenblätter : The monasteries of the Augustinian hermits in northeast Germany . In: Old Prussian monthly. Königsberg 1898. pp. 155–189, here pp. 176–180. ( pdf )
  • Adalbero Kunzelmann : The history of the German Augustinian hermits. Volume 5. The Saxon-Thuringian Province and the Saxon Reform Congregation until the downfall of the two. Augustinus-Verlag, Würzburg 1974.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ About donations from citizens around 1511/24 in the State Archives
  2. ^ History of Heiligenbeil