Augusts Voss

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Augusts Voss ( Russian Август Эдуардович Восс * October 17 . Jul / the 30th October  1916 greg. In the government of Omsk, Russian Empire ; † 10. February 1994 in Moscow , Russia ) was a Latvian - Soviet politicians.


Augusts Voss was a political officer in the Red Army during World War II . Afterwards he was apparatchik of the Communist Party of Latvia (LKP), the Latvian branch of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union . From 1966 to 1984 he was the general secretary or first secretary of the LKP. In 1984 he was deported to the post of Chairman of the Nationalities Council . His successor was Boris Pugo .

Awards (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Art. Восс Август Эдуардович . In: Great Soviet Encyclopedia , accessed November 5, 2019 (Russian).