Auld Aisle Cemetery

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Auld Aisle Cemetery

The Auld Aisle Cemetery , also Auld Isle Cemetery or Old Isle Cemetery , is a cemetery in the Scottish town of Kirkintilloch in East Dunbartonshire . It is south of the city on Loch Road . In 1971 the Auld Aisle Cemetery was added to the Scottish List of Monuments in the highest category A.


The Auld Aisle Cemetery is probably one of the oldest surviving cemeteries in Scotland. It used to belong to the parish church of St Ninian’s , which replaced the 12th century chapel of St. Mary in the north of Kirkintilloch. It probably lost its importance in the middle of the 17th century after the completion of the new Marienkirche and was finally abandoned. Probably around 1800 the cemetery received a guard house and an archway that spans the entrance gate. While the ruins of the old church in the cemetery are mentioned in a report from 1859, there are no remains today and the exact location of the church is unknown. It is possible that the stones from the old church were used during the construction. In 1863, a new section was added to the west of the old cemetery, which was surrounded by a quarry stone wall.


The enclosure wall is made of quarry stone. On the eastern flank is the old entrance gate, which spans an archway. It consists of ashlar and closes with a small, open sandstone bell tower with a pyramid roof . Below is a guard room, the windows of which are now blind. The room can be reached by stairs on the north side. The one-story guardhouse has a T-shaped floor plan. It is made of quarry stone and has two decorative bands around it. The covered entrance area is in a corner of the building. The building is listed on the Scotland List of Endangered Structures. His condition is classified as poor but with little risk of deterioration. Several artistic monuments can be found on the new part of the cemetery.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Listed Building - Entry . In: Historic Scotland .
  2. Entry on Auld Aisle Cemetery  in Canmore, the database of Historic Environment Scotland (English)
  3. Information on ( Memento of the original dated May 30, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Coordinates: 55 ° 55 '56.7 "  N , 4 ° 8' 18.3"  W.