Aulus Licinius Archias

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The poet Aulus Licinius Archias was born around 118 BC. Born in Antioch on the Orontes . Nothing is preserved about his death.


Archias came from a noble family and was well brought up. Even in his youth he was known as an improviser. In 102 BC He came to Rome and gained a foothold in the noble families of the city as a poet. 93 BC He received the citizenship of Herakleia when he accompanied Marcus Terentius Varro Lucullus through the lex Plautia Papiria in 89 BC. BC also the Roman citizenship. Archias received the gentile name of the Licinier . 62 BC Archias was accused by a certain Grattius, of whom nothing further is known, on the basis of the lex Papia , which provides for exile from Rome if the citizen is presumed. Marcus Tullius Cicero defended it with the speech Pro Archia poeta . Presumably Archias was acquitted because Cicero mentions Archias in a letter and the formulation assumes Archias' presence in Rome. Nothing is known about the time and circumstances of his death.


In his speech, Cicero mentions epics about the Cimbrian Wars and the Mithridatic Wars , about which nothing is known and which have not been passed down. An epic suggested by Cicero about his consulate has also not been preserved. In his De divinatione , Cicero also mentions a poem about a childhood experience of the famous actor Quintus Roscius Gallus .

Under the name Archias, 35 poems have survived in the Anthologia Graeca . The authenticity and the relation to Aulus Licinius Archias are unclear.


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