Aulus Paconius Sabinus

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Aulus Paconius Sabinus (* probably before 15; † after 58) was a Roman politician of the Neronian era and consul of the year 58.

All that is known about Aulus Paconius Sabinus is that from July to December of the year 58 he served as the next consul with Aulus Petronius Lurco .


  • Paul A. Gallivan: "Some Comments on the Fasti for the Reign of Nero." In: Classical Quarterly (N. Ser.) 24.2 (1974) 290-311, esp. 291.


  1. 14 August and 15 December are occupied, see CIL 4, 3340, plates 142 and 150, cf. Theodor Mommsen : The Pompeian receipt panels of L. Caecilius Iucundus , in: Hermes 12 (1877), pp. 88–141, here p. 137.