Aids accompanying training

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Training-accompanying aids (abH) are measures for young people with learning disabilities and socially disadvantaged young people, according to §§ 75 ff SGB ​​III, which go beyond the conveying of company and training content. The aids are aimed at enabling the start, continuation and successful completion of in-company vocational training in recognized occupations . The aids can accompany both an in-company vocational training relationship and an external vocational training relationship.

Up until December 31, 2015, the training support can also be provided during an introductory qualification according to § 54a prior to the actual training , but which takes place with the later trainer. In this case, the assistance must go beyond conveying the skills, knowledge and abilities to be conveyed by the company as part of the initial qualification.

Help types

Aids accompanying training are:

  1. Measures to reduce language and educational deficits,
  2. Measures to promote practical and theoretical skills, knowledge and abilities and
  3. Measures for socio-educational support.

The core elements of the training support are support and remedial lessons as well as socio-educational aids, which serve to ensure the success of the training. In addition to these two essential elements, leisure activities are also offered, through which learning should be enabled in situations that are not primarily performance-related.

There are support classes for both industrial and technical professions , as well as often for the basic subjects of mathematics and German. In addition to training in the company and attending vocational school, the participants of the measure regularly attend abH classes in their free time . These lessons are i. d. Usually carried out in small groups of a maximum of eight people. The small groups are as homogeneous as possible, i. H. with trainees in the same apprenticeship and year.

The teaching staff should consist of experienced craftsmen , trainers and teachers. In order to be able to take up a job as a support teacher, in addition to having completed vocational training or another technical college or university education, at least three years of professional and educational experience is required.

The socio-pedagogical staff ( social pedagogues ) support the trainees with their professional and private problems and help with learning problems and test anxiety . This promotes and stabilizes the personal development of young people. In this work, close cooperation with companies, parents and the social environment of the participants is intended. The methodology of socio-educational support includes group and individual help. They also give tips for applications if trainees are not taken on by the company after their training.

Possible uses of aids accompanying training

The training support can be given in different phases of the training of a young person, namely

  • during in-company vocational training or an entry-level qualification in order to avoid dropping out,
  • after the premature termination of an in-company apprenticeship relationship to bridge the gap until further in-company or external apprenticeship training or
  • after successful completion of company vocational training funded with training support up to the establishment or consolidation of an employment relationship

The possibility of supplementing training-accompanying aids in connection with in-company vocational training with sections of vocational training in an external institution has been eliminated due to a lack of practical relevance.

Young people in need of support

According to Section 78 SGB ​​III, young people with learning disabilities and socially disadvantaged young people who, for reasons inherent in their own person, cannot begin, continue or successfully complete an entry-level qualification or vocational training after the early termination of a vocational training relationship, cannot begin further vocational training, are in need of funding or are unable to establish or consolidate an employment relationship after successfully completing vocational training. Apprentices also need funding if they are threatened with premature termination of their apprenticeship relationship without the support with training support or who continue their vocational training outside of the company after premature termination of an in-company apprenticeship relationship.

Since April 1, 2012, it has also been possible to support trainees who would be threatened with premature termination of their second apprenticeship relationship without the support of training-related assistance and whose successful completion of the second vocational training is necessary for their permanent professional integration.

Measure carrier

The measures are carried out by regional or supraregional, commercial, private, non-profit or public educational institutions and welfare associations, which carry out the measures of assistance during training on behalf of the Employment Agency .

Former legal provisions until March 31, 2012

Until March 31, 2012, § 235 and § 240 247 SGB III, which regulated the promotion of vocational training for so-called disadvantaged trainees, formed the legal framework for training-related assistance.


  • Bonifer-Dörr, G. et al .: Aids to accompany training. Representative statements on problem areas, innovative approaches and implementation options. Institute for labor market and occupational research of the Federal Labor Office (ed.). Nuremberg: IAB, 1991
  • Federal Employment Agency (Ed.): Aids accompanying training - abH. Direct: Support and qualification. Issue No. 3. Nuremberg: BfA., 1996
  • Federal Employment Agency (Ed.): Aids accompanying training - abH. Direct: Support and qualification. Booklet 8. Nuremberg: BfA., 1999
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Science (Ed.): Training-accompanying aids (abH) Basics of organization, planning and implementation. Bonn: BMBW., 1990
  • Heidelberg Institute Profession and Work (hiba) (Ed.): AbH. Aids accompanying training. Heidelberg: Hiba., 1991
  • Kümmerlein, S .: Training-accompanying assistance in practice. In: Wirtschaft und Berufs-Erbildung, 40 (1988) 7. pp. 204-209. Augsburg: Ziel-Verlag., 1988
  • Latte, Sebastian: Mainly cheap? - The advertisement practice of the Employment Agency and its consequences in the event of a change of provider in the course of measures for training-accompanying aids (abH) according to §§ 235 , 240ff SGB III, ISBN 3-638-84423-4
  • Redecker, U .: Aids accompanying training (abH) - Conceptual and organizational assistance for practice in the new federal states - A guide. Heidelberg Institute Profession and Work (hiba) (Ed.). Heidelberg: Hiba., 1993
  • Vink, J .: Aids to accompany training. Materials for practitioners. Iss-Arbeitshefte 4. Frankfurt: Institute for Social Work and Social Pedagogy., 1983

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