Australian Nuclear Free Alliance

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The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) was founded in 1997 as the successor organization to the Australian Alliance Against Uranium . This organization brought together representatives of the Aborigines and relevant non-governmental organizations to take action against existing and planned uranium mining and use in Australia, especially in the homelands of the Aborigines.

The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance was founded - according to its organizers - to share knowledge, skills and experience in the conflict with Australian nuclear policy in order to protect the country and culture from nuclear developments. This organization was instrumental in the successful termination of uranium mining at the Jabiluka uranium mine in the Northern Territory and in preventing the establishment of a nuclear waste storage facility in South Australia . Currently (2011) the Aboriginal communities are facing a wave of uranium deposit exploration , planned construction of new uranium mines and nuclear waste storage facilities .

Since it was founded in 1997, ANFA has held ten annual events. In the last annual meeting from 13. – 15. August 2010 on the land of the Ondoolya -Aborigines in Alice Springs were members of the ANFA committee, besides individual personalities and numerous representatives of the Aborigines, the organizations Public Health Association of Australia , Beyond Nuclear Initiative , Australian Conservation Foundation , Friends of the Earth Australia , Conservation Council of Western Australia and Australian Student Environment Network represented.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Overview of the annual ANFA events