Autonomy (magazine)

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Autonomy. Materials against the factory company

Area of ​​Expertise politics
ISSN (print)

AUTONOMY. Materials gegen die Fabrikgesellschaft was a magazine that appeared irregularly at intervals of several months from 1975 to 1985 with a left - wing radical self - image, in the editorial of which, among other things, former members of the Frankfurt group Revolutionärer Kampf were active. It was published by Trikont-Verlag until 1978 , afterwards in its own publishing house.

In the autonomy published original contributions Sponti scene from Thomas Schmid and Joschka Fischer (IGC), of Herbert Röttgen (Three Continents), by Karl Heinz Roth , Angelika Ebbinghaus and the Hamburg organization Proletarian Front . There was an article by Joschka Fischer distancing itself from the so-called "revolutionary violence" of the RAF . Texts by Hans Magnus Enzensberger , Paolo Pasolini and Werner Maihofer were also printed. A focus of the autonomy was the reception and application of the Italian operaism . Experiences with the company work at Fiat during the labor dispute in 1971, but also during the revolutionary struggle at Opel, were reflected on. There were essays by young historians who tried to get local history out of its tranquility, but at the same time wanted to show the anchoring of the revolutionaries in their milieu . Autonomy reprinted many non-operaist texts, such as anthropological works by the anarchist Pierre Clastres .

Until 1978 the magazine was mainly written by the Frankfurt part of the editorial team. A dispute about the editorial program led to the departure of the Frankfurt employees. The magazine was considered autonomy by the Hamburg editors . The new episode continued for a few years in its own publishing house and, according to Fabian Kettner, developed into the “theoretical central body of the West German autonomists and anti-imperialists ”. From this later the magazine 1999 and the materials for a new anti-imperialism emerged.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Fabian Kettner: The fight goes on. prodomo. Journal in its own right, Issue 9, August 2008, p. 32, online (PDF)