Ave from Schönfeld

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Ave von Schönfeld († 1541 ) came from the old Saxon nobility and was the daughter of Georg von Schönfeld . It is among the women who received Katharina von Bora from the monastery Nimbschen fled.


In 1515, Ave and her sister Margarethe entered the Cistercian convent Marienthron (Nimbschen convent) near Grimma .

On April 7, 1523 nine nuns, under the direction of Katharina von Bora, fled the monastery to Martin Luther in Wittenberg , including Ave and her sister. Luther helped women to marry, whereby he himself tended to the Ave von Schönfeld, which is considered “beauty”, as he reported in the table speeches and letters. On the other hand, he feared that he would not be able to offer a woman a secure existence. Finally, in 1524, Ave married the medic Basilius Axt . The marriage had four children, three sons and a daughter.

A good relationship with Martin Luther was maintained; In 1525 he gave Axt a permanent job in Torgau and in 1540 Ave assisted in inheritance disputes with her brother Ernst von Schönfeld.

Ave von Schönfeld died in 1541, probably in Königsberg , where the Axt family lived.


Individual evidence

  1. Ernst Kroker: Katharina von Bora, Martin Luther's wife. Halle 1906, writes Eva . So Oberman, Luther, p. 362.
  2. ^ Luther's marriage and family life
  3. Martin Luther, table speeches. WAT 4, No. 4786.
  4. Martin Luther, letter to Spalatin of April 16, 1525. WABr 3, p. 474.
  5. Weigelt, Luther's first love