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Scheme of the Clava Cairns

The Clava Cairn of Avielochan is located in Avielochan, north of Aviemore in Glen Einich in the Cairngorms National Park in Moray in the Scottish Highlands .

The megalithic complex consists of a round cairn about 13 m in diameter, without the outer stone ring typical of cairns of this type. The Clava Cairn has been stripped of many of its stones in the past, but most of the curbs have been preserved. As in Clava itself, a stone platform surrounds the hill outside, which is about three meters wide here. The chamber is round in shape with the exception of a slight flattening in the entrance area, where part of an amulet has been excavated.

The corridor walls are nowhere more than about a meter high, while the chamber walls are only half a meter high. The largest curb is in situ on the west side of the entrance , but the stone on the opposite side is missing. What is unusual about Avielochan is that the corridor faces southeast, while almost all the other corridors of Clava cairns face southwest.

The area is known for its Clava Cairn, which some sources claim to be particularly ancient, although not reliably dated.

Nearby is the Granish Ring Cairn .


  • Richard Bradley : The Good Stones. A new investigation of the Clava Cairns (= Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Monograph Series. 17). Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh 2000, ISBN 0-903903-17-2 .
  • Audrey S. Henshall, James NG Ritchie: The chambered cairns of the central Highlands. An inventory of their structures and their contents. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2001, ISBN 0-7486-0643-2 .

Web links

Commons : Avielochan Chambered Cairn  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Coordinates: 57 ° 13 '41.4 "  N , 3 ° 48' 28.9"  W.