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Avyakta , Sanskrit , n., अव्यक्त avyakta [a-vyakta], invisible, undetectable, imperceptible; not manifested - m. phil. [ sāṃkhya ] the primordial nature [ mūlaprakṛti ] in its non-manifested or indeterminate form, subtle mind from which all phenomena of the material world of manifestations arise. Avyakta is a term from Hinduism . Avyakta is the opposite of Vyakta .

The term Avyakta is mainly used in the Samkhya philosophy for the not yet manifested primordial matter ( Prakriti ). However, it also occurs in older descriptions of world creations when Brahma awakens and the world allows itself to emerge.

In Maharaj's philosophy of Nisargadatta , Avyakta (unmanifest) is the impersonal, the absolute "I" beyond all sensory perceptions or experiences and unaware of itself. It manifests in the outer self ( vyakti ). The outer self, in turn, is just a projection of the inner self ( vyakta ) onto the body-mind.


Vyakta , Sanskrit , n., व्यक्त, vyakta [pp. von vyañj], the clear, knowable, perceptible, manifested, obvious. Vyakta means manifesting matter , evolved nature , ( vi , separate, away from, without + akta , passive participle of anj , to appear). Vyakta describes an unfolded phenomenon of matter and is the opposite of Avyakta . In the Samkhya philosophy, Vyakta is the manifested form of primordial matter ( Prakriti ).

According to Nisargadatta, Vyakta is the super-personal - Vyakta (manifested), which as "I am" is the reflection of the Absolute in consciousness.


Vyakti , Sanskrit व्यक्ति, vyakti [vyañj-ti] f. Manifestation; Evidence | Individuality; Individual | phil. Singularity, particularity; discriminative characteristic; Contr. jāti | Distinction, difference; Syn. Viśeṣa ; Contr. ākṛti | Grief. grammatical gender. Vyakti is a term from Hinduism .

In Advaita, Vyakti means the person , the outer self . The personal - Vyakti, a construct of physical and vital processes, the psychosomatic apparatus in which consciousness manifests itself. The person (vyakti) flickers, awareness (Engl. Awareness , Vyakta) includes all space and all time , the Absolute ( Avyakta ) is there.


Vyaktitva , the personality , (Latin persona , literally the mask that ancient Greek actors put on so that the audience would not recognize their true identity. The acquired and shaped part of the human character .) The limited identification of the self with one's own body .

In the Advaita philosophy of Nisargadatta, Vyaktitva represents the limited perception of the outer self ( Vyakti ).