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Axmacher is a German family name .


Axmacher is a high German name form, with high German variants Achsmacher , axis makers , Axenmacher , highly mixed and down German Assenmacher , Assenmecher , low German Assenmaker , Assemeker . It is a professional name , which dates back to the professional title for the axis makers ( mhd . Ahsen maker , mnd . Assemeker ), so the name of an artisan in the field of wheelwright , the axles produces. In other areas of Germany, Wagner or Esser is also widely used as the name for the job title of wheelwright, although the Axmacher family, which is spread around the world, has its sole origin in Blumenthal (Gde. Hellenthal , Euskirchen district ) in the Eifel.

Well-known bearers of the name Axmacher

Individual evidence

  1. Albert Heintze : The German family names , 6. verb. Ed., Edited by Paul Cascorbi, Halle 1914, p. 266
  2. ^ Rudolf Zoder: Familiennames in Ostfalen , Volume I, Olms, Hildesheim 1968, p. 180