Be Chuma

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Bé Chuma [ b'eː 'xuma ], also Becuma , Bé Chuille , Becuille , is in the Celtic mythology of Ireland a woman from the people of the Túatha Dé Danann . Tuirenn and Flidais are named as parents and Fand and Be Theite as sisters .


According to a story in the metric Dindsenchas , Bé Chuma is cast out by the Túatha Dé Danann because she commits adultery with a son of the sea god Manannan mac Lir . She flees to Tara to King Conn Cétchathach ("Conn with the Hundred Battles"), whose lover she becomes. Conn even sends his son Art mac Cuinn into exile at her request , but is punished for his injustice. Misfortune comes over his rule and his empire until Conn finally complies with the demands of the people and separates from Bé Chuma again.

A version in Lebor Laignech ("The Book of Leinster") around 1150 AD names Bé Chuille a divine sorceress and sister of the Danu , who comes with the Túatha Dé Danann from Greece to Ireland and there of "gray air demons" is killed.

See also
