Citizen Network Dresden

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The Citizens Network Dresden is the organization that operates the Citizens Network in Dresden . For this purpose, there is a network, especially by radio, within the city and the surrounding area. The Dresden Citizens' Network is one of the largest such networks in Germany. The association is a member of the comprehensive citizens' network association .

The citizens' network as an association has existed since 1999. Thus, a first form for the existing company was found.

On the one hand, there is the original friends' association with over 800 members. The development association is used for education, in particular for the operation of networks and one's own (personal) computers. The association built the network and is therefore its owner .

On the other hand, the cooperative has existed since 2012 with almost 500 members. The cooperative takes over the economic part, whereby it is considered the provider . To this end, the cooperative leases the network from the association and offers it. As is customary for a cooperative , members of the cooperative receive the services - access to the Internet - cheaper. To do this, at least a share in the cooperative worth € 60 must be acquired. Deviating from this, at least five shares are required for use by a business . But a service contract for access to the Internet can also be concluded without membership .

The concept is that a network is operated via radio transmission with its own infrastructure. Here, directional radio is used to bridge longer distances . Ultimately, there are a large number of wireless access points to which members - including customers - have access.

The Dresden Citizens' Network is an alternative to the usual commercial telecommunication service providers. On the one hand, this is relevant for regions that are very poorly supplied with broadband access to the Internet. On the other hand, this is an approach for people who would like to use self-managed infrastructure with other people on site. Since its inception, the focus has shifted from providing access to the Internet itself, towards shared and cost-effective use of the network with the Internet.

As a model, the Dresden Citizens' Network in the World Trade Center Dresden offers free access to its own network and therefore to the Internet.

There is no collaboration with Freifunk .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website (of the association from) the Dresden Citizens' Network: History
  2. ^ Website (of the association of) the Dresden Citizens' Network: WLAN in the WTC Dresden