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Bāqilā ' ( Arabic باقلاء, DMG bāqilāʾ  ‚ field bean ') or also Bāqillā (باقلّى), was a small unit of mass for weight in Egypt.

According to the Jewish-Arab pharmacologist Al-Kūhin al-ʿAttār (13th century) 1 Bāqilā '= 1/3 Mithqāl . Ibn Sīnā , on the other hand, equated 1 Bāqilā 'with 4 Shamūna. Walther Hinz , who assumes that 1 Bāqilā '= 12 Qīrāt , calculates his weight value to be 2.34 grams .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leigh Chipman: The World of Pharmacy and Pharmacists in Mamlūk Cairo. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden 2010, ISBN 978-9-00417-606-5 , p. 89.
  2. Walther Hinz: Islamic mass and weights. Supplementary volume 1, EJ Brill, Leiden / Cologne 1970, p. 10.