B-17 B

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Fragment of B-17 B on December 30, 2009
Location of the Ross Ice Shelf Table in Antarctica (area marked in red)

B-17 B is the name of an iceberg that was detached from the eastern flank of the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica around 1999 as part of an approximately 400 km² ice surface .


The iceberg was about 19 km long, eight kilometers wide and 140 km² in size. It was discovered through the analysis of satellite images by the Tasmanian glaciologist Neal Young.


The iceberg moved northeast towards Australia, driven by ocean currents and wind, along the south coast and then southeast. Even before reaching the coast, it broke into hundreds of smaller pieces and finally melted.

See also

Web links

Commons : B-17 B  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Giant 19km iceberg B17b heading for Western Australia , Herald Sun, 9 December 2009
  2. Iceberg B17-B Adrift Off the Southwestern Coast of Australia , NASA, accessed December 18, 2012
  3. ^ Course of the route of the iceberg on the south coast of Australia , NASA SCP, graphic, accessed on December 18, 2012