Baba Shamal

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Bābā Šamal
Baba Shamal
description magazine
Area of ​​Expertise Satire, politics
language Persian
publishing company unknown (Iran)
First edition 1943
attitude 1947
Frequency of publication weekly until 1945
editor Reżā Ganjaʾī
Web link Bābā Šamal
ZDB 306339-2

The Persian-language magazine Baba Shamal ( Persian : بابا شمل; DMG : Bābā Šamal ) was one of the most famous political satirical magazines in Iran. The founder Reżā Ganjaʾī (1918–1995) published it weekly between 1943 and 1945, and after his return from Europe in 1947 another 50 issues appeared.

Ganjaʾī, a cabinet member and university professor of engineering, held a number of key positions in government ministries and in banking and insurance before and after his editing.

His articles he published under the pseudonym "Donb-al-Mohandesin". His supporters and collaborators included many well-known Iranian satirists, poets and authors, and others. a. Rahī Moʿayyerī ("Zāḡča"), Eqteṣād ("Shaikh Pašm-al-Dīn"), Fozūnī ("Mohandes-al-Šoʿarāʾ") and Ṣahbā ("Shaikh Somā").

The magazine was widespread in Iran and was characterized by its everyday language and a slang style . The general satirical opinion of the authors found its expression in numerous articles on current politics , which were supplemented by partly colored caricatures and drawings. By and large, the magazine's stance was nationalistic , independent, and moderate, but its criticism ultimately led to its publication being discontinued in 1947 under pressure from censors .

A complete and freely accessible online version of the journal can be found in the digital collections of the University and State Library of Bonn .

Individual evidence

  1. The Encyclopaedia Iranica,
  2. Lawrence Elwell-Sutton, “Iranian Press 1941-47,” Iran 6, 1968, p. 80.
  3. ^ The Encyclopaedia Iranica,
  4. The Encyclopaedia Iranica,
  5. The Encyclopaedia Iranica,
  6. Lawrence Elwell-Sutton, “Iranian Press 1941-47,” Iran 6, 1968, p. 80.


Web links