Baden Powell (comic)

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title Baden Powell
country Belgium
author Jijé
publishing company Dupuis
magazine Spirou
First publication 1948-1950

Baden Powell is a Franco-Belgian comic created by Jijé .

The realistically drawn biography of the boy scout founder Robert Baden-Powell was published in Spirou between October 1948 and June 1950 . In order to get a realistic picture, Jijé went to England in October 1947 and again in June 1948. Most of the pages were created during his stay in the USA and Mexico.

Dupuis released the album in 1950 and 1957. This was followed by further editions in L'Histoire en bandes dessinées and Figures de proue as well as in the complete edition Tout Jijé . Triomphe published a new edition in 2014.

It was first published in Germany in 1960 in the magazine Der hehre Fridolin . Comicothek printed the album in 1987 in a non-colored version.

Individual evidence

  1. Baden Powell (1950) at Dupuis on (French)
  2. Baden Powell (2014) at Triomphe on (French)
  3. ^ Baden Powell (1987) at the Comicothek on