Kraftsdorf station

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Power village
Platforms (2017)
Platforms (2017)
Operating point type Breakpoint
Platform tracks 2
abbreviation UKR
formerly Kr
IBNR 8012088
Price range 7th
opening 1876
Profile on Power village
City / municipality Power village
country Thuringia
Country Germany
Coordinates 50 ° 52 '41 "  N , 11 ° 55' 52"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 52 '41 "  N , 11 ° 55' 52"  E
Height ( SO ) 281.07  m above sea level NN
Railway lines

Railway stations in Thuringia

Entrance to the station (2017)

The station Kraftsdorf is a breakpoint , which formerly a railway station was on the Weimar-Gera railway in eastern Thuringia .


In the dispute over the exact route, the mayor of Kraftsdorf and member of the state parliament Gottfried Sachse successfully campaigned for Kraftsdorf to get a connection to the rail network. The connection to the place ensured the hoped-for boom in the stonemasonry trade .

When it opened, Kraftsdorf station already had a reception building with an attached goods shed. Scheduled train crossings have been possible since 1878, and an intermediate platform was built in 1885. Around 1906 a water station was added, the elevated tank of which was embedded in the nearby rock. The water cranes were used to supply the locomotives with water until 1965.

In addition to the loading lane and a head and side ramp, the freight station was equipped with a 36t weighbridge. Freight traffic declined from around 1960, when the sandstone extraction in the area no longer brought in enough profit; until 1967 the transport was completely stopped. The loading track was also removed a little later. Since the rest of the sidings were dismantled in the 1980s, only train crossings and overhauls were possible in Kraftsdorf.

Kraftsdorf train station was later converted into a stopping point , as it has been on a partially double-track section since 1984, and since 1985 it has been completely double-tracked.


The two platforms are 110 meters long and 55 centimeters high.

In the course of the double-track expansion until 1985, the form signals were replaced by light signals, so the signal box Ko (Kraftsdorf Ost) to the east was also rendered unusable and it was a ruin until the double-track expansion and new construction of the line to Hermsdorf. Today Kraftsdorf is connected to the Gera electronic interlocking.


  • Werner Drescher: The Weimar-Geraer Bahn - From the private railway to part of the Central-Germany connection . EK-Verlag, Freiburg / Brsg. 2001. ISBN 3-88255-451-7

Web links

Commons : Bahnhof Kraftsdorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. From the history of the Weimar - Gera railway line and the Hermsdorf - Klosterlausnitz train station at, accessed on September 25, 2012
  2. Kraftsdorf on, accessed on 25 September 2012
  3. Platform information on the Kraftsdorf stop ( memento of the original from April 20, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed April 6, 2016  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /