Station Mission (project)

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Bahnhofsmission was a project by the director , author and action artist Christoph Schlingensief in Hamburg , in the course of which he tried out new forms of action. The project, based on the Deutsches Schauspielhaus , was a new form of experimental art .

Station Mission (project)

Station mission was the continuation of the documentaX campaign Schlingensief tried out a form of action art in 1997 with the project Passion impossible - 7 days emergency call for Germany - a station mission, premiered at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg .


Starting at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus, Schlingensief and his ensemble moved to a cleared police station at the main train station there . For a week , a series of actions in St. Georg , a problem district, in the city's shopping area and the main train station, was carried out here, including the social fringe groups, the spectrum of people to whom the station mission is directed . Schlingensief carried out actions in these places. In doing so, he addressed the role of the established church, new movements and the marketing of sexuality.

Web links


  1. ↑ In 1997 he was arrested during an art campaign at documenta X because he was using a sign that read "Kill Helmut Kohl".

Individual evidence

  1. action Documenta X
  2. a b project station mission - Schlingensief
  3. Critical consideration
  4. ^ Georg Seeßlen: The filmmaker Christoph Schlingensief . Schüren Verlag, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-89472-718-5 .