Bakhtiyar Gulyamov

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Bakhtiyar Gulyamov, 2006

Bakhtiyar Turadjanovich Gulyamov (born February 18, 1964 in Moscow ) is an Uzbek diplomat .


He studied at the State University of Tashkent and graduated there in 1986 with a degree in the history of the Arab countries. From 1986 he completed his three years of military service in the Soviet Army and worked as an interpreter . He then worked as an inspector at the Tashkent Technical Institute. In 1991 he worked for an Uzbek business development organization. In 1992 he entered the service of the Uzbek Ministry of Foreign Affairs and worked there in the consular department. He then went to the Uzbek Embassy in London in the UK in 1995 as the second secretary . In 1998 he returned to Uzbekistan and became Secretary of the Political Analysis Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1999 he obtained a Masters degree in International Relations. In 2001 another assignment abroad followed, this time as the first secretary in the Uzbek embassy in Japan . Back in Uzbekistan, he held the position of head of the department for the United Nations and international organizations from 2003 .

In 2005 he went to Germany as Uzbek ambassador , based in Berlin . He held the office until 2009. At the same time, he also acted as ambassador for Switzerland (from 2007 to 2009), Sweden (from 2008 to 2009) and the Czech Republic . In 2010 he became the Uzbek ambassador to Belgium , based in Brussels . At the same time he represented Uzbekistan in the European Union and NATO . From July 18, 2013, he worked in Washington, DC as the Uzbek ambassador to the USA , where he focused on promoting trade relations between Uzbekistan and the USA. From March 2014 he was also ambassador to Canada .

He is married and has two children. In addition to English , he also speaks Russian and Arabic .

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